BONDIT 151 Gypsum Bonding Agent Price And Quantity
1000 Liter
135 INR
BONDIT 151 Gypsum Bonding Agent Trade Information
Free samples available with shipping and taxes paid by the buyer
20 kg Bucket
All India
Product Description
BONDIT is high performance bonding agent for Gypsum on concrete blocks/RCC surfaces. Further it has waterproofing properties and hence it prevents leakages from the cracks in the plaster.
The BONDIT 151 is a cement and gypsum plaster which is the most common forms of plaster utilized in the construction sector. This type of plaster is often applied to the external and interior plastering of the building which forms a protective coating that protects the stone and brick masonry, as well as the RCC walls and ceilings. Furthermore, wall plastering is useful for levelling wall and ceiling surfaces, and textured or stucco plaster and finishes are made using gypsum and cement.
Ready to apply single coat application
Very strong chemical bond is created
No hacking required on concrete surface. Hence prevention of
microcracking in concrete & saving of labour.
Coverage is about 100 sft per kg.
Bonding strength is more than 2kgs/sft.
PH value is 7-9.
It is an elastomeric material & hence can withstand movements in the structure without cracking
BONDIT-151, is a mixture of Polymer-Cement composite and can put to multiple uses.
Waterproof Coating
Crack Sealing
Bonding of Gypsum/Cement
Plaster to concrete
Concrete Repairs
Tile Fixing on walls
Fixing Tile on Tile
Waterproof Coating
Clean the concrete surface with brush
Wash the concrete surface with water one hour before application of Bondit-151
Fill any depression with mixture of cement, silica sand & Bondit-151 in the ratio of 1:1.50:0.50
Mix Bondit-151 & cement in the ratio of 1:2
Apply first coat of mixture on moist concrete
After4 to 6hrs apply 2nd coat of mixture
Third coat also can be applied if required
Fresh coated surface should not be submerged in water for 48 hours
After air drying for 4 to 6 hrs, cure the coated surface by spraying water for 24 to 48 hours
Surface is useable after 24hours of treatment
On terrace for top coat white cement can be used
Bonding Gypsum Plaster
Clean the concrete surface
Apply Bondit-151 with brush or spray machine
After 30 to 40 minutes when bondit-151 is tacky apply Gypsum Plaster
Fixing tile on tile
Clean & wash old flooring
Mix Bondit-151 & cement in the ratio of 1:3 to 1:5 to make paste depending on desired viscosity
Apply cement-Bondit-151 paste on the back of new tile
Press the new tile on old flooring
Use the new flooring after 48 to 72 hours
Crack Sealing
Make V-groove on the face of the cracks
Make the crack wet
Mix Bondit-151 & cement in the ratio of 1:2 & apply on the crack
Add more cement to the Bondit-151 cement mixture to make suitable paste & fill the crack
Grey or white cement can be used
Concrete Repairs
Clean the pocket & wet with water
Apply in the pocket cement Bondit-151 slurry (2:1 ratio)
Mix Bondit-151, cement & silica sand in 1:2:4 to 6 ratio & fill the pocket or large cracks etc.
Tile fixing on wall
Wet the already plastered wall with water
Mix Bondit-151 & cement to desired consistency & apply on the back of tile & fix the tile on plastered surface
BUILDON Bondit 151 is used for high strength bonding of Gypsum Plaster/Cement plaster to concrete blocks RCC. No hacking Is required
Chemical Composition
Modified Hybrid System.
Physical Appearance
Milky White Emulsion
Solid Contents
More than 40%
1500 cps Max
PH Value
Butt joint strength
Film Characteristics
Clear, forms flexible system with cement
Handling & Storage
Protect from frost. Containers once opened should be shut tightly to prevent contamination. Stocks should be used on a first in, first out basis.
20kgs HDPE Jerry cans
Application Procedure
Apply With Brush On Dry Concrete Blocks/Rcc.
Apply Gypsum Plaster Between 1 Hour To 24 Hours Of Bondit Application.
If the material goes in the eyes wash with water till the burning stops or immediately visit doctor.
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